Sydney Water
September 2019
Sydney Water’s Lower South Creek Treatment Program (LSCTP) to increase the capacity of the current wastewater treatment system has been implemented to meet future growth of Sydney’s North-West region. Whittens was engaged to provide upgrade works as part of this program at Riverstone Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), St Mary’s Water Recycling Plant (WRP), and Quakers Hill WRP.
Whittens successfully completed formwork, reinforcement and concrete pouring (FRP) at Riverstone WWTP for the construction of a biological reactor, biological reactor distribution chamber, secondary flow distribution, three off secondary clarifiers, RAS pump station, tertiary flow distribution chamber, and tertiary clarifier.
Whittens also completed civil works at St Marys WRP for the construction of a bioreactor and secondary distribution chamber, inlet works and mechanical primary screens. To date the Whittens’ team has safely installed approximately 2,400m3 of concrete. At Quakers Hill WRP, Whittens constructed the major concrete structures including erection of formwork, installation of steel reinforcement and pouring of concrete.